➲ Stranger - An unknown person.
➲ Orphan - A person whose parents are dead.
➲ Relative - Someone from your own family like.
➲ Friend - A well wisher.
➲ Kin - Relatives belonging to the same lineage.
➲ Abate - To diminish, Reduce.
➲ Subside - To become less.
➲ Wane - To become smaller like the waning moon.
➲ Augment - To increase, Intensify.
➲ Decline - To become worse than before, or refuse.
➲ Conscientious - Dedicated.
➲ Pensive - To ponder, brood or think deeply.
➲ Ignorant - Not having any knowledge.
➲ Carefree - Having no care or worries.
➲ Shallow - Not very deep in a waterbody ; and 'shallow' in thoughts means to think of unimportant things.
➲ Thoughtful - to think or be considerate.
➲ Supercilious - arrogant, haughty, disdainful.
➲ Condescending - Is to treat others as inferior.
➲ Humble - Modest, demure, quiet.
➲ Snobbish - To look down on others.
➲ Snooty - Is to be proud and look down on others.
➲ Denigrate - To belittle or slander someone.
➲ Compliment - To praise someone.
➲ Vilify - To spoil someone's name and reputation.
➲ Limp - To walk with difficulty, typically due to a damaged or a stiff leg or foot.
➲ Wobble - Move or cause to move unsteadily from side to side.
➲ Pace - Walk at a steady speed, especially without a particular destination and as an expression of anxiety or annoyance.
➲ Sprint - Run at full speed over a short distance.
➲ Hobble - To walk in an awkward way due to injury making it the correct answer.
➲ Downfall - The loss of power, prosperity, or status.
➲ Ruination - The state of being ruined.
➲ Advancement - The state of making progress.
➲ Undoing - A person's ruin or downfall.
➲ Affluence - The state of having a great deal of money.
➲ Puerile - Childishly immature.
➲ Putrid - Decaying and smelling very bad, as also does.
➲ Aromatic - Something that smells beautiful and fragrant, perfumed.
➲ Brevity - To speak in short.
➲ Bluntness - To speak clearly.
➲ Overwrought - Very worried and upset.
➲ Frantic/distraught/nervous - To be worried and tensed.
➲ Serene - To be calm and collected.
➲ Superior - Of better quality than someone else.
➲ Remove - To get rid of something.
➲ Suppress - To reduce or lessen.
➲ Stimulus - A thing that evokes a reaction or activity in someone or something.
➲ Vacillate - To waver, move in a quivering way.
➲ Adhere - Stick fast to ( a surface or substance)
➲ Immigrate - To come into a country or region from another country.
➲ Immisicible - Separating two things.
➲ Imminence - The state or fact of being about to happen.
➲ Fractious - One who get easily upset, especially by small things.
➲ Docile - To be calm and compliant.
➲ Assonance - Resemblance in sound.
➲ Assimilate - To accept, absorb in the company or family.
➲ Artful - Cunning.
➲ Artifice - Treachery.
➲ Arthurian - Related to King Arthur.
➲ Flimsy - lacking in physical strength or substance.
➲ Revival - To renew again.
➲ Deferential - To show respect and be humble and thoughtful.
➲ Bask - To enjoy the mild heat.
➲ Bass - Low in tone.
➲ Baste - To cover with melted fat, or gravy, while cooking.
➲ Astute - Keen
➲ Athirst - Very eager to get something.
➲ Athwart - In opposition to something.
➲ Bulbous - Round, resembling a bulb
➲ Bullock - A male domestic ox like animal that has been castrated and is raised for beef.
➲ Irreversible - Action that cannot be reversed.
➲ Steady/stable - To be firm and fixed.
➲ Hydraulic - The force exerted by water in motion.
➲ Hydrodynamics - The dynamics of fluids.
➲ Hydromechanics - The study of fluids.
➲ Farce - Pretense
➲ Humility/Modesty - To be humble and unassuming.
➲ Ingress - An entry.
➲ Elegance - Full of grace and style.
➲ Frigidarium - A room for preserving fruits, meat, at a very low temperature.
➲ Grandiloquent - To speak in a bombastic manner.
➲ Garrulous - Constantly talking.
➲ Misnomer - Wrong name.
➲ Perdition - Damnation.
➲ Interminable - Never-ending.
➲ Quaff - Drink down quickly.
➲ Colonnade - A series of regularly spaced columns.
➲ Portico - A covered porch.
➲ Cloister - A covered walkway or covered way.
➲ Porch - A lobby or an entrance hall.
➲ Inexorable - Impossible to stop or prevent.
➲ Relentless - Unceasingly intense.
➲ Voracious - Insatiable.
➲ Obdurate - Stubborn.
➲ Frugal - Sparing or economical as regards money or food.
➲ Infallible - Exempt from error of judgement, as in opinion or statement.
➲ Customary - Conventional, habitual
➲ Idiosyncrasy - A behaviour or way of thinking that is characteristic of a person, a peculiarity that serves to distinguish or identify.
➲ Propitious - Favourable, Benevolent
➲ Pillage - To loot or rob a place using violence like that Mongols did when they attacked India.
➲ Plagiarise - To take some one's work and pass it off as one's own.
➲ Proliferate - To multiply rapidly.
➲ Pilferage - To steal things that have a very small value in small quantities.
➲ Nepotism - Being partial or favouring someone.
➲ Wilt - Become limp through heat, loss of water, or disease.
➲ Shine - Give out a bright light.
➲ Excel - Be exceptionally good at or proficient in an activity or subject.
➲ Orphan - A person whose parents are dead.
➲ Relative - Someone from your own family like.
➲ Friend - A well wisher.
➲ Kin - Relatives belonging to the same lineage.
➲ Abate - To diminish, Reduce.
➲ Subside - To become less.
➲ Wane - To become smaller like the waning moon.
➲ Augment - To increase, Intensify.
➲ Decline - To become worse than before, or refuse.
➲ Conscientious - Dedicated.
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English Vocabulary Words |
➲ Pensive - To ponder, brood or think deeply.
➲ Ignorant - Not having any knowledge.
➲ Carefree - Having no care or worries.
➲ Shallow - Not very deep in a waterbody ; and 'shallow' in thoughts means to think of unimportant things.
➲ Thoughtful - to think or be considerate.
➲ Supercilious - arrogant, haughty, disdainful.
➲ Condescending - Is to treat others as inferior.
➲ Humble - Modest, demure, quiet.
➲ Snobbish - To look down on others.
➲ Snooty - Is to be proud and look down on others.
➲ Denigrate - To belittle or slander someone.
➲ Compliment - To praise someone.
➲ Vilify - To spoil someone's name and reputation.
➲ Limp - To walk with difficulty, typically due to a damaged or a stiff leg or foot.
➲ Wobble - Move or cause to move unsteadily from side to side.
➲ Pace - Walk at a steady speed, especially without a particular destination and as an expression of anxiety or annoyance.
➲ Sprint - Run at full speed over a short distance.
➲ Hobble - To walk in an awkward way due to injury making it the correct answer.
➲ Downfall - The loss of power, prosperity, or status.
➲ Ruination - The state of being ruined.
➲ Advancement - The state of making progress.
➲ Undoing - A person's ruin or downfall.
➲ Affluence - The state of having a great deal of money.
➲ Puerile - Childishly immature.
➲ Putrid - Decaying and smelling very bad, as also does.
➲ Aromatic - Something that smells beautiful and fragrant, perfumed.
➲ Brevity - To speak in short.
➲ Bluntness - To speak clearly.
➲ Overwrought - Very worried and upset.
➲ Frantic/distraught/nervous - To be worried and tensed.
➲ Serene - To be calm and collected.
➲ Superior - Of better quality than someone else.
➲ Remove - To get rid of something.
➲ Suppress - To reduce or lessen.
➲ Stimulus - A thing that evokes a reaction or activity in someone or something.
➲ Vacillate - To waver, move in a quivering way.
➲ Adhere - Stick fast to ( a surface or substance)
➲ Immigrate - To come into a country or region from another country.
➲ Immisicible - Separating two things.
➲ Imminence - The state or fact of being about to happen.
➲ Fractious - One who get easily upset, especially by small things.
➲ Docile - To be calm and compliant.
➲ Assonance - Resemblance in sound.
➲ Assimilate - To accept, absorb in the company or family.
➲ Artful - Cunning.
➲ Artifice - Treachery.
➲ Arthurian - Related to King Arthur.
➲ Flimsy - lacking in physical strength or substance.
➲ Revival - To renew again.
➲ Deferential - To show respect and be humble and thoughtful.
➲ Bask - To enjoy the mild heat.
➲ Bass - Low in tone.
➲ Baste - To cover with melted fat, or gravy, while cooking.
➲ Astute - Keen
➲ Athirst - Very eager to get something.
➲ Athwart - In opposition to something.
➲ Bulbous - Round, resembling a bulb
➲ Bullock - A male domestic ox like animal that has been castrated and is raised for beef.
➲ Irreversible - Action that cannot be reversed.
➲ Steady/stable - To be firm and fixed.
➲ Hydraulic - The force exerted by water in motion.
➲ Hydrodynamics - The dynamics of fluids.
➲ Hydromechanics - The study of fluids.
➲ Farce - Pretense
➲ Humility/Modesty - To be humble and unassuming.
➲ Ingress - An entry.
➲ Elegance - Full of grace and style.
➲ Frigidarium - A room for preserving fruits, meat, at a very low temperature.
➲ Grandiloquent - To speak in a bombastic manner.
➲ Garrulous - Constantly talking.
➲ Misnomer - Wrong name.
➲ Perdition - Damnation.
➲ Interminable - Never-ending.
➲ Quaff - Drink down quickly.
➲ Colonnade - A series of regularly spaced columns.
➲ Portico - A covered porch.
➲ Cloister - A covered walkway or covered way.
➲ Porch - A lobby or an entrance hall.
➲ Inexorable - Impossible to stop or prevent.
➲ Relentless - Unceasingly intense.
➲ Voracious - Insatiable.
➲ Obdurate - Stubborn.
➲ Frugal - Sparing or economical as regards money or food.
➲ Infallible - Exempt from error of judgement, as in opinion or statement.
➲ Customary - Conventional, habitual
➲ Idiosyncrasy - A behaviour or way of thinking that is characteristic of a person, a peculiarity that serves to distinguish or identify.
➲ Propitious - Favourable, Benevolent
➲ Pillage - To loot or rob a place using violence like that Mongols did when they attacked India.
➲ Plagiarise - To take some one's work and pass it off as one's own.
➲ Proliferate - To multiply rapidly.
➲ Pilferage - To steal things that have a very small value in small quantities.
➲ Nepotism - Being partial or favouring someone.
➲ Wilt - Become limp through heat, loss of water, or disease.
➲ Shine - Give out a bright light.
➲ Excel - Be exceptionally good at or proficient in an activity or subject.